Abortion pill research presented in parliament South Korea

At the invitation of the coalition of abortion rights groups of South Korea, Dr. Gomperts, director of Women on Web, visited Seoul on 5,6 and 7 July 2018

The visit started with a joint press conference in the Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center. In the afternoon there was a joint presentation in the Korean National Assembly titled "From criminalizing abortion to sexual and reproductive health and rights"  Many civil society groups and politicians attended. 

Dr Jungwon Yoon presented her research concerning the data of the women from South Korea who used the Women on Web abortion service. 

Dr. Rebecca Gomperts presented the worldwide abortion rights situation and the work of Women on Waves and Women on Web.

On 6 July, there was a screening of Vessel followed by an event called Talkfest, which featured several presentations about the history and current state of  the abortion rights movement in South Korea and the rest of the world.

On Saturday 7 July, Rebecca joined the book concert of Baum a l'ame , for the launch of their book about their experiences traveling around Europe to learn more about the history and current situation of abortion rights in Europe. 

At 5 in the afternoon there was a large "Abolition of Abortion Law Parade" organised by Monakfe, the coalition of abortion rights groups of South Korea. Thousands of people participated in the parade


This was the press coverage of the events: 


Dr Gomperts of Women on Web speaking at demonstration in Seoul
abortion rights demonstration in seoul
presentation in National Assembly South Korea
abortion rights protest