Celebrating International Abortion Day in Brussels this Saturday

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Celebrate International Abortion Day with us in Brussels!

On September 22nd, we are joining forces with a global team of activists, artists, and reproductive health organizations for The Body Moves Beyond the State: An International Day of Culture, Arts, and Repro Rights at the Musée de la Fonderie, from 2:00 pm to -10:30pm.

Curated and supported by a global network of vanguard reproductive rights organizations, including Repro  UncensoredWomen on Web, Shout Your Abortion, Women First Digital, Vitala Global, Plan C, and others, this event fosters a unique collaboration between activists, healthcare professionals, artists, and the public. These organizations will be in attendance and available to discuss their work with attendees.

This one-day event will feature workshops, film screenings, performances, and conversations focused on reproductive solidarity, learning, and connection.

Strategically held before International Safe Abortion Day on September 28 and following the FIAPAC conference (September 20-21), the event includes a mix of FIAPAC professionals and activists from around the world. Topics include abortion access beyond legal barriers, performance as a tool for political action, online censorship around reproductive rights, global abortion solidarity, and more.

The Body Moves Beyond the State is intended as a collaboration between artists, activists, healthcare experts, and the public. The day will start and end with two dance performances in Brussels's Bourse and Place Saint Catherine with the collective WE.LO(U)VE.RADIO

The dance collective, along with choreographer Paola Madrid from SORTA Project, will lead a 45-minute introductory dance workshop at the museum. Participants will then be invited to join the closing performance in the city. 

Email sortaproject@paolamadrid.com to join the workshop (limited availability).

The day will culminate with a series of films and a panel discussion with the filmmakers centered around the body and reproductive issues, including ECHO(E)S by Chloé de Bon (Belgium), La place de l’homme by Coline Grando (France), Guadalupe, Manon Kleynjans (Belgium), and Unique Week by Dafna Maimon and AD Kerton (Finland).


A Global Celebration of Repro Rights

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Yesterday night, right by the United Nations Headquarters, reproductive rights organizations from around the world came together to celebrate International Abortion Day and UNGA 2024. This is Synclaire Warren's abortion story. Watch Synclaire's story here.

Thank you to The Illuminator for their amazing work and vision and everyone who helped us make this project happen.

In Solidarity, 
Women on Web