News and Updates

118 news and updates

rAborta, the Abortion Robot has come to Mexico!

Press Release for Robot Campaign, Mexico City, 2021

Big Tech is Targeting Abortion

Women on Web and other similar organizations have always had censorship…

Japan and Spousal Consent: The Tip of the Iceberg

Abortion is a volatile topic at the best of times but over the past couple of…

PRESS RELEASE | Abortion Counselling services to be launched in Malta

On June 23th, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Matic Report, and…

Women on Web’s 15-year Anniversary Social Media Toolkit

Starting May 13th, 2021, Women on Web will launch our 15-year Anniversary…

PRESS RELEASE | Women on Web Telemedicine Abortion Service Turns 15!

For 15 years now, Women on Web, the first ever telemedical abortion service